About Madame Dali
Madame Dali writes her paintings in the style of surrealism,continuing the work of the great genius of the last century,the great painter Salvador Dali. Her pictures are rampant flight of fantasy, surrealism, she put on a new stage of development. Despite the phantasmagoric, distorted the style of the presentation of its expression, her paintings somehow quite familiar to everyone, they will be able to touch, melt or initiate any heart.
In her paintings she gets out of the subconscious hidden image. She combines seemingly completely incompatible things, destroys the laws of nature and physics.
Monstrous chaos images, RSS monsters, paradoxical offset meanings, which are filled with works by Dali, embody the "sleep of reason"Express "madness" of this world.
Born in Russia in a poor family,she childhood felt a responsibility, but what was this responsibility she had no idea. Being a gifted child ,she could be all that it took was a favorite pastime she believed drawing .
When she went into adulthood,life is ordered to forget drawing.
The years went by,but a sheet of paper was empt...
All these years she tried to find herself,but as it happens often,we do not want to notice obvious.
And only her meeting with your beloved,with the Muse of her soul , helped her get inside themselves.He as no one else in her life believed in her genius...
Having arrived on Ibiza, some unseen force had seized the whole of it,and after some time,burst out.She saw pictures of genius Salvador Dali in 18 years,she was surprised ,but never even suspected that she herself is surrealism .All her world is surrealism. When her husband was interested in reading about the life of Salvador Dali,he advised her to read this book After reading it,she started to see Dali in dreams . First he came not often,but once she started her first job on the wall of 35 meters in length and 3 in height ,her dreams had become a solid surreal world. The spirit of the great genius Salvador Dali fed these dreams are incredibly life pictures. As she would say, some time later :"I am Dali".....Dali,means in the Russian language is very far away. Where is there where we do not see what is happening behind the horizon...
Salvador Dali said , he can die himself,the style of surrealism can die , but the Dali does not die,not disappear never.Surrealism - it is a what is beyond the horizon of our vision of things, and their understanding.If we want to, we see what is beyond the horizon. We all have this opportunity, for everyone is possible...
Currently,she is working on a completely new style,this style was not yet in the world of Art.But Surrealism remains her favorite style.The basic concept of surrealism, surrealist — the combination of dream and reality.Salvador Dali the king of Surrealism,the ever-living king living on his canvases.With the day of the Madame Dali was to meet in dreams with the Spirit of Salvador Dali,she learned a lot about her own life,something she used to understand was not.In one of his dreams the Spirit of Surrealism had told her about what happens to us after we leave the body.When a person dies,his body disappears forever ,the Soul goes into a new incarnation,but the Spirit,if he is a Great Spirit,then he remains in this world and looking for someone,who would be able to fill it with new creations.Thus,the Great Spirit is not someone or property.It exists by itself in chains of eternity.And if one day,the human will be lucky to meet the Great spirit of a Genius,he needs to make a decision to fill the Great Spirit with their creations.
To get rid of the "mind-control" need to arrive at a clear consciousness."Spellbinding" power, as it is known, manifests itself with prolonged observation of flames, movement of clouds etc.A kind of "training" can be called "waking dreams". During these "waking dreams" comes a delicate game.Appear accidental and unconscious semantic combinations.. the Purpose of these games is a workout off of consciousness and logical relations. Thus, from the abyss called the deep unconscious, chaotic force.One of the foundations of surrealism that has been the highest priority, was the method in which it was recorded or it zarisovyval dreams immediately after waking up, hallucinations, subconscious images, while they did not affect understanding, real consciousness, in the process, not on logic. This method of psychoanalysis, the so-called analysis of spoken thoughts because of how quick monologue, when the consciousness has not time to make any judgment.In our dreams,lives richer and more interesting mind than the mind of man awake, forcing a completely calmly accept the extraordinary scenes which in real life would shake.I believe that in the future, dream and reality – these two are so different, apparently, by the state – will merge into a kind of absolute reality, in surrealist.
In Surrealism there is no policy, no intimate life, no aesthetics, no history, no art and nothing else. There is only a Surrealistic Creativity, which transforms into something new all what it touches.
Madame Dali has high hopes for the liberating power of the dream, therefore, taken to be the canvas immediately after morning awakening, when the brain is not yet fully freed from the images of the unconscious. Sometimes she gets up in the night to work.
Muse of Madame Dali her beloved husband Ivan.He was her support,her joy and happiness.He's her whole life.They are always together realize their crazy ideas.
Salvador Dali seems to me to be a hero of a Grand magnitude, whose greatness of soul I truly admire... one day I will surpass him with his greatness!". The word "Superman — the meaning of life" — became one of the mottos of the Madame Dali. "The most important thing in the world is Ivan and the Madame Dali. Then comes one Madame Dali. And in third place — the rest, of course including us two." And of course that genius of geniuses, the Savior of mankind and Creator of the new universe is not obliged to obey the rules of conduct of all other people!!!